Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Miami Design District

Going to make this one a quick one since I have to get ready for a job interview! This look was also for my styling final. I took these in the Miami Design District and can I say that the design district has turned into such a beautiful area. A lot of the high end stores are moving to this area and the restaurants and cafes around are adorable. Since I had to do 5 looks for my class and everything was closed I had to change in a car. Boy was that a struggle. I actually ended up ripping one of the dresses trying to wear it in the car. 

I bought this shirt more than a year ago at a thrift store and that was the first time I wore it. The bag is one of my favorite thrift store finds I screamed of joy when I found it.

Top: Thrifted
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Steve Madden 
Bag: Vintage Fendi 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Brown eyed girl

I'm finally done with this quarter! What a stressful one it has been. I really enjoy listening to oldies actually I would say half of my music is oldies. Anything from the 60s,70s and 80s is good but then again my taste in music is really random. I had to come up with 5 outfits for my Styling final. The theme that I went for all five of my looks is prints so expect to see a lot of prints in my upcoming posts! 

This crop top was actually a dress that I found in a thrift store. My wonderful mom separated the top from the dress so now it's a cute little cropped top. 

Top: Thrifted 
Shorts: Jennifer Lopez for Kohls
Bag: Forever 21 
Shoes: Forever 21 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Flower Power

Can I just say I'm really proud of myself for making my first GIF. I'm giving myself a cookie later. I took these the other day while I got a smoothie with a couple of friends from school at Smoothie King which I go to about 4 times week am not kidding by the way. Smoothie King should really give me an award for being their number 1 customer. I would like to thank my friend Alejandro for photo bombing me also and since the Spice Girls performance at the Olympics brought some good memories we felt the need to go back to third grade and take pictures with our best peace signs pose. Perfect for a Smoothie Ad campaign I tell you ha! 

 Pants: Thrifted Ralph Lauren 
Top: Zara 
Bag: Thrifted 
Shoes: Rainbow (You find pretty things everywhere as long as you look!) 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Make over time

So for my styling class this week I had to do a make over on someone. I did it on my mom's co worker Sheyla. I'm used to dressing myself so it was fun being able to dress somebody else. I thought pastel colors would suit her well.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Keep it simple

I'm not the world's greatest blogger but when I do it's so great because it's a distraction from reality and a way to connect with so many others who share my passion. Life is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. The passing of my grandma and aunt both a month apart from each other definitely reminded me that life is short and you never know when it's going to be taken away from you. That is why you should live it to the fullest and not worry about the silly fights, and irrelevant things that we tend to worry about. Don't take it to seriously, enjoy it, and as cheesy as it may sound follow your dreams. My aunt was always so excited for me when she saw me pursuing my dreams and she always encouraged me. In memory of her I'm going to continue to blog because life is sweet and there is so many things to be grateful for.

Anyways, I'm back in school and have a lot of really fun classes this quarter. I'm taking Visual Merchandising 3 where I'm working on my portfolio and creating window displays. Fashion Magazines where I'm coming up with my own magazine concept. Styling I which is very easy but so much fun and last but not least Fashion Show Production which is teaching me all the details on how to produce a fashion show.

For my styling class, we were assigned to create an outfit that was from a thrift store. I was pretty excited about finding this outfit!

Top: Thrifted
Skirt: Thrifted
Shoes: Forever 21
Purse: Thrifted

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Top: Gap
Blazer: Thrifted
Shoes: Candie's (Kohls) 

 I watched Madonna's documentary Truth or Dare last night which I found pretty interesting. Anyways, am sure we all have a couple pieces of clothing that we just never seem to take off. Lately for me it's hat and blazers. It's gotten to the point where my friends ask me if I am going to go to the beach in a blazer. This is what I wore to school today and yes I wore a blazer. But in my defense I hadn't worn one in a while! Also, I am going to start blogging in Spanish per my dad's request. He always nags me on how I'm loosing my Spanish and how I should practice and read the Spanish newspaper and he's probably right since I now speak "Spanglish". I'm sure there will be mistakes which will make my high school Spanish teacher cringe but hey practice makes perfect.

Anoche vi un documental de Madonna que se llama Truth or Dare cual encontré súper interesante. Estoy segura que todo el mundo tiene unas piezas de ropa que uno nunca se quita. Últimamente para mi es son los sombreros y blazers. A llegado al punto que mis amigas me preguntan si voy a ir a la playa con un blazer. Esto fue lo que me puse para la universidad hoy. Si es un blazer pero en mi defensa no me ponía uno hace tiempo! Voy a empezar a escribir en español a propuesta de mi papa. El siempre me dice que voy a perder mi idioma natal y que lo debería practicar mas a menudo. También me dice que lea el periódico en Español. Tiene toda la razón porque ahora hablo en "Spanglish". Estoy segura de que va a ver errores ortográficos cual pondrán a mi maestra de Español de higa chola histérica pero la practica lo mejorara. 

PS. Thank God for spellcheckers

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's been a while

If I could win an award it could probably be for being the worst blogger ever. Ha but am back and I finally got myself a beginner's DSLR camera that I'm still figuring out. Hopefully that will inspire me to take more pictures. My friend Alejandro also got a blog which you should check out. I love his style because he always takes risks.

On Sunday, Alejandro and I went and took pictures in a closed street near our building.We then headed to a friend's birthday party which was really fun. I wore socks in the first couple of pictures but I took them off because my shoe kept slipping off. The sunglasses I'm wearing were done by Alejandro. They are actually old CDs he cut and glued into the sunglasses.

His Blouse: BCBG Max Azria                 Leather Jacket: Asos                    
Necklace: Forever 21                       
Shoes: Steve Madden 

     Blouse: Thrifted
     Shorts: Urban Outfitters
     Headband: Forever 21
     Necklace: Thrifted
     Pumps: Charlotte Russe